gram negative bacteria (14)

    Cards (48)

    • What type of bacteria is the Neisseria genus?
      Gram-negative cocci
    • How are Neisseria arranged?
      In pairs, known as diplococci
    • Which Neisseria species are commensal in the oropharynx?
      1. sicca, N. mucosa, N. lactamica
    • What are the true pathogens of the Neisseria genus?
      1. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae
    • What type of culture medium do Neisseria require?
      Enriched media like chocolate agar
    • What is the oxidase reaction of Neisseria?
      Oxidase positive
    • What biochemical process do Neisseria perform?
      Carbohydrate oxidation with acid production
    • How can meningococcus and gonococcus be differentiated?
      Through biochemical identification methods
    • Where is the natural habitat of N. meningitidis?
      Human pharynx (nasopharynx)
    • What percentage of the general population are carriers of N. meningitidis?
    • How is N. meningitidis transmitted?
      By droplets of oropharyngeal secretions
    • What factors influence the development of disease from N. meningitidis?
      Immune status and strain virulence
    • What is meningococcemia?
      Hematogenous dissemination causing systemic infection
    • What are possible symptoms of meningococcemia?
      Petechiae and purpura
    • What can be observed in CSF during meningitis caused by N. meningitidis?
      Intracellular gram-negative diplococci
    • How is N. meningitidis classified based on capsular polysaccharide?
      Into serogroups A, B, C, Y, W135
    • What are the main serogroups causing meningitis in Spain?
      Serogroups B and C
    • What is the peak incidence age for meningitis due to N. meningitidis?
      3 months to 12 months
    • When do most cases of meningitis occur seasonally?
      Between December and March
    • What is the treatment of choice for N. meningitidis infections?
      Penicillin G if sensitive
    • What is the chemoprophylaxis for contacts of N. meningitidis cases?
      Rifampicin for two days
    • What type of vaccine is used for serogroups A, C, Y, W135?
      Capsular polysaccharide vaccine
    • What is the more efficient vaccine type for N. meningitidis?
      Conjugate vaccine (polysaccharide + protein)
    • What is the vaccine against serogroup B called?
      Recombinant protein vaccine
    • How does N. meningitidis transmission occur in dental offices?
      Through pharyngeal secretions of patients
    • What preventive measures should dentists take against N. meningitidis?
      Mask, hygiene, chemoprophylaxis
    • What is the treatment of choice for N. gonorrhoeae infections?
      Cefixime or Ceftriaxone
    • What additional treatment is recommended for N. gonorrhoeae to cover Chlamydia?
      Add doxycycline or azithromycin
    • What type of bacteria is Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
      Gram-negative rods (bacilli)
    • What is a characteristic of Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonies in culture?
      Poorly defined, extended colonies
    • What type of metabolism does Pseudomonas aeruginosa have?
      Oxidative metabolism, no sugar fermentation
    • What pigments does Pseudomonas aeruginosa produce?
      Pyocyanin and pyoverdine
    • What is a common odor associated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa cultures?
      A characteristic fruity odor
    • In what situations does Pseudomonas aeruginosa typically cause infections?
      When mucocutaneous barriers are broken
    • What are the clinical manifestations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections?
      Folliculitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infections
    • What is ecthyma gangrenosum?
      A rapidly progressing skin lesion
    • What is the treatment for severe Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections?
      Use of effective antibiotics
    • What is the Enterobacteriaceae family primarily composed of?
      Gram-negative rods (bacilli)
    • What is a key characteristic of Enterobacteriaceae regarding glucose?
      They ferment glucose
    • What is the significance of the H, K, and O antigens in Enterobacteriaceae?
      They are used for serotyping