prac 1 enzyme controlled reaction

Cards (7)

  • what are the factors that affect enzynme activity?
    • enzyme concentration
    • substrate concentration
    • temperature
    • pH
  • how is a control set up in a practical measuring enzyme activity?
    replace the enzyme solution with distilled water or boiled enzyme solution
  • how can the results measuring enzyme activity be used to find the initial rate of reaction?
    plot results on a graph of rate of reaction against time
    draw a tangent at time = 0 to find initial rate
  • what is the procedure used to measure the effect of temperature on enzyme activity - trypsin and milk
    test 5 temperatures, repeat each temperature 3 times
    put 10 cm3 of milk solution to 5 boiling tubes
    add 2 cm3 of trypsin to 5 other boiling tubes
    stand the tubes in each temperature water bath to acclimatise
    add the trypsin and milk and replace in the water baths
    measure the amount of time it takes the solutions to go clear
  • how is the rate of reaction calculated from time

    rate of reaction = 1 / time
  • how is enzyme activity affected by temperature?
    temperature increases - kinetic energy increases
    rate of reaction increases
    at a certain temperature, bonds in the tertairy structure break
    enzyme denatures
    rate decreases
  • what is the risk of handling enzymes?
    allergic reactions
    avoid contact with skin, goggles