culture bias

    Cards (7)

    • culture bias
      the tendency to interpret everything through the lense of one's own culture, ignoring the effects cultural differences have on behaviour
    • cultural relativism
      norms, values, ethics & moral standards can only be meaningful & understood within social & cultural contexts
    • ethnocentrism
      Judging other cultures by the standards & values of one's own culture. Leads to prejudice & discrimination
    • etic constructs
      Analysis of behaviour focuses on the universality of human behaviour. Can be applied across all cultures & is done from outside of the culture.
    • emic constructs
      Is specific to a given culture & vary from cultures. This is done from inside of the culture.
    • examples of culture bias
      -DSM-5: emic construct - used in America & suited to American culture; imposed etic as is used in different societies that have non-western ideas

      -Yerks IQ test: ethnocentric. American standards & ideals applied to Eastern Europeans

      -Ainsworth's strange situation: imposed etic & ethnocentric (American research, tried to apply to all other cultures)
    • AO3
      -the differences between individualistic & collectivist cultures may not be as big of an issue as thought. Global communication has made the world more interconnected & 14/15 studies comparing America & Japan found little difference between the cultures. This means that culture bias may not be a serious issue and research may be universal due to the similarities between the cultures
      -emergence of cultural psychology means research is being focused on phenomena inside of cultures. Researchers avoid ethnocentric assumptions by taking emic approaches, work with local researchers. Imposed etic is avoided & research is culturally relative

      -hard to look though a completely objective lens. All people have cultures & these differ so, researchers may not be fully scientific. HOEVER, researchers are aware of this & recognise this. They try to minimise the effects of this so research will still be valid
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