Children adopted from 19,000 Finnish mothers at birth. More likely to develop schizophrenia when biological relatives had it, but not when adoptive parents did. High EE levels also implicated in development, but only for those with a genetic risk.
Found healthy males had higher levels of activity in the ventral striatum (involved in reward anticipation) than those who were schizophrenic. The lower the activity the worse the symptoms of schizophrenia.
Can be taken as a syrup, tablet or injection. Side effects include: dizziness, agitation, sleepiness, still jaw, weight gain, itchy skin and tardive dyskinesia.
Cold, rejecting and controlling mothers may contribute to schizophrenia through distrust that leads to paranoid delusions (Psychologist not theory) Developed by accounts patients gave about childhoods
Family therapy increased patients compliance with medication. Didn't have much of an effect on social functioning. Some studies reported an improvement in overall mental state whilst others didn't.
Diathesis = purely genetic. Schizogene leads to development of schizophrenic personality. Without this gene, no amount of stress will cause schizophrenia.