Origins of Psychology

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  • Rene Descartes
    Proposed cartesian dualism: mind and body are independent
  • John Locke
    Advocated for empiricism: all experiences derived from senses
  • Charles Darwin
    Developed evolutionary theory: social behavior evolved due to adaptive value
  • Psychology
    Branch of philosophy: experimental philosophy
  • Wilhelm Wundt
    Established first experimental psychology lab: focused on introspection
  • Introspection
    Method of observation under controlled conditions: same stimulus and instructions
  • Sigmund Freud
    Introduced psychoanalysis: emphasised influence of unconscious mind on behavior
  • John B Watson
    Prominent behaviorist: criticised introspection-data was subjective as it varied from person to person. Focused on observable phenomena.
  • Watson's/Skinner's scientific approach
    Behaviorist focus on learning and controlled lab experiments
  • Rogers and Maslow
    Advocated for humanistic approach: emphasised free will and self-determination
  • Cognitive Revolution
    Introduction of digital computer: led to study of mental processes in a scientific way
  • Albert Bandura
    Developed social learning theory: emphasized cognitive factors in learning
  • Biological approach
    Dominant scientific perspective in psychology: focuses on brain and physiological processes. Scanning like fMRI and EEG
  • Advances in technology
    Led to increased understanding of the brain and biological approaches
  • Cognitive neuroscience
    Emerging discipline combining cognitive and biological approaches