Behaviourism A01

Cards (12)

  • Behaviorist approach
    Focuses on observable and measurable behavior
  • John B Watson
    Rejected introspection and focused on behavior
  • Lab experiments
    Behaviorists maintained control and objectivity in research
  • Darwin
    Behaviorists suggested that learning processes are the same in all species so animals could replace humans as experimental subjects
  • Classical conditioning

    Learning through association, demonstrated by Ivan Pavlov
  • Ivan Pavlov
    Firstly demonstrated classical conditioning with dogs
  • Conditioned response
    Response to a previously neutral stimulus after conditioning
  • Operant conditioning

    Learning from the environment through reinforcement and punishment
  • Positive reinforcement

    Reward for certain behavior
  • Negative reinforcement

    Avoiding something unpleasant as a result of behavior
  • Punishment
    Unpleasant consequence for behavior
  • Skinner experiment
    Skinner conducted experiments with rats and sometimes pigeons in Skinner boxes where when an animal pushed a lever, it got food causing it to repeat those actions. Discovery of operant conditioning