Behaviourism A03

Cards (10)

  • Scientific credibility
    Bringing scientific methods and objectivity to psychology
  • Objectivity and Replication
    Important in behaviorism for credibility and status
  • Real life application
    Applying conditioning principles to real world behaviors
  • Token economy systems
    Using operant conditioning in institutions like prisons and psychiatrics
  • Classical conditioning therapies
    Suitable for patients who lack insight or are weaker
  • Mechanist view of behavior
    Seeing people/animals as passive responders in the environment
  • Social learning theory and Cognitive approach
    Emphasises the importance of mental events during learning
  • Stimulus and response
    Social learning theory and cognitive approach suggest that people play an active role in learning
  • Environmental determinism
    Skinner's belief that behavior is determined by past experiences
  • Ethics
    'Skinner box' where animals exposed to stressful and aversive conditions so they could've changed the outcome of the experiment