Definitions + Key Word List

Cards (9)

  • NSI is an explanation of conformity which states we conform to the majority opinion because we wish to be liked and accepted, not ostracised
  • ISI is an explanation of conformity that states we conform to the majority opinion as it is believed to be correct and we as humans wish to be correct too
  • Internalisation is when a person genuinely accepts the group norms causing both a public and private change in opinions which can lead to permanent behavioural change.
  • Identification is when we identify ourselves with a group publicly due to a shared value, however, privately we may not agree with all the group stands for.
  • Compliance is when we simply "go along with others" in public because everyone else is doing it
  • The agentic state is a mental state where we feel no personal responsibility for our behaviour because we believe we are acting for an authority figure, i.e as their "agent"
  • Autonomous state is the opposite of the agentic state. Someone in the autonomous state is free to make their own decisions and feels a sense of responsibility for their actions.
  • Legitimacy of Authority is an explanation of obedience in which an individual obeys someone of higher authority in the social hierarchy
  • Locus of control (LOC) is a psychological concept which refers to how strongly an individual believes they have control over situations that affect their life.