Information processing approach, suggests that info flows through the cognitive system in a sequence of stages that include input storage and retrieval
Mind is compared to a computer (computer analogy) - suggest there is a central processing unit (brain), concept of coding (turn info into useable format) and stores to hold info. useful in development of AI and thinking machines
'packages' of ideas and information developed through experience; mental framework for interpretation of incoming information received by Cognitive system.
Have a mental representation for everything. Schema helps us process lots of info at once, short cut at preventing us from being overwhelmed by environment stimuli.
Neuroimaging - different types of memory stored in different parts of the brain - asked pps to perform different memory tasks while brains were scanned. Episodic and semantic - prefrontal cortex (one on each side of the brain)
Gave participants tasks that involved the central executive while they were having a brain scan. Activity in the area increased as the task became harder.
Increase use of computer-generated models to read the brain. Led to 'brain fingerprinting' . E.g: analysing brain patterns of eyewitnesses to see if they're lying in court.