Cognitive approach always employed highly controlled and rigorous methods of study to enable cognitive processes to work. Involves lab experiments- reliable and objective data.
Reducing the human mind and thought patterns down to the functioning of a computer like machine. This ignores the emotional and motivational components of thinking.
Demonstrated the unreliability of eyewitness accounts and how they are easily distorted by number of factors like the way police question the. 'Smash' rather than 'Collide
Cognitive psychologists are only able to infer mental processes from behaviour observed in research so they can suffer from being abstract and theoretical in nature.
Experimental studies of mental processes are often carried out using artificial stimuli eg word lists - may not represent everyday memory
Lacks ext validity
Real life application
Cognitive approach is a dominant approach in psychology applied to a wide range of practical and theoretical contexts
Examples of Real life application
Cognitive Psychology made an important contribution in field of AI and development of robots which might revolutionise how we live
Less determinist than others
Cognitive approach found on soft determinism and that our CS can only operate within the limits of what we know, but are free to think before responding to stimulus.