Biological A01

Cards (13)

  • Assumptions of the biological approach
    Everything psychological is biological thus to fully understand behaviour, biological structures within the body must be examined
  • What biological structures are being examined?
    Genes,neurochemistry and Nervous system
  • Biological Approach on the mind
    Mind lives in the brain- all thoughts, feelings and behaviours have a physical basis
  • Behaviour geneticists

    Study whether intelligence, personality and mental disorders are inherited in some ways as physical characteristics.
  • Twin studies
    Used to determine likelihood that certain traits have a genetic basis by comparing concordance rates between twins.
  • Concordance rates
    Identical twins (monozygotic) have a higher concordance rate than non-identical twins (dizygotic) and this would suggest a genetic basisMZ twins= 100% genes shared DZ twins=50% genes shared
  • Genotype
    Actual gene make-up
  • Phenotype
    The way the genes are expressed through psychological characteristics and can be influenced by environment
  • Twins example with genotypes and phenotypes
    Identical twins usually look different because one twin dyed their hair despite the fact they got same genes
  • Nature and Nurture
    Much of human behaviour depends on interaction between inherited factors (nature) and environment (nurture)
  • Evolution and behaviour
    Charles Darwin theory in the 19th century of natural selection. Any genetically determined behaviour that enhances an individual's survival will continue in future generations
  • Example of natural selection
    Farmer selects animal with desirable charcteristics
  • Process of natural selection
    Takes place naturally as the selection only happens due to the possessor having certain advantages; more likely to survive and reproduce on good traits