why does Clarke write about the topic of motherhood a lot?
she has three children: a girl and two boys.
"our firstfierceconfrontation, the tightred rope of love"
these 3 lines are quite juxtaposing, the concepts of conflict and love are at odds and the noun "rope" has restrcictiveconnotations. The phrase "red rope of love" is a metaphor for the umbilicalcord, implying this is a maternalrelationship. The alliteration of "first" and "fierce" reflects the heavybreathing of a woman whilst giving birth.
"hot, white room"
the setting is introduced as "white, hot" which has connotations to a claustrophobic and uncomfortableatmosphere, perhaps to reflect the intensemood and and the tone of the poem and the parent-childrelationship on display.
"allover the walls with mywords"
this line mirrors how a child may write or draw on the walls when they're young, to the frustration of parents, now the child is the frustrated one, as she is angry that her mother is trying to restrict her freedom and tell her whattodo.
"as you ask mayyouskate. In the dark, for onemorehour."
the poet finally reveals the reason for the mother and daughter's fight right at the end of the poem, perhaps to distance the reader from understanding the poem and its meaning until the very end. This works to create an intimate connection between Catrin and the speaker.
why was the poem written?
in response to the question: why did my beautiful baby have to become a teenager?