Cards (5)

  • What is a strength? (support for behavioural activation)
    -Babyak et al. (2000) studies 156 adults with major depressive disorder who were assigned to either an aerobic course, standalone drug treatment or both
    -All ppts showed significant improvement
    -However after 6 months those in the exercise group had lower relapse rates than those in the medication group showing the effectiveness of BA
  • What is weakness? ?(may not work in severe cases)
    -CBT relies on the patients willingness to participate and in severe cases patients may lack motivation.
    -In this instance patients would be treated with medication before attending CBT sessions
    -This means depression cannot be a stand alone treatment for all cases of depression
  • What is another weakness? (ignores past)
    -CBT focuses on a patients present and future, ignoring past
    -Other therapies exist which place emphasis on the past exploring how a patients childhood may have contributed to depression
    -Assimilation therapy begins with exploration of the patients past and when they're ready moves on to the cognitive techniques to address the present/future
  • What is another weakness? (therapist may lead to high success rate)
    -Research suggests that it may not be CBT that leads to high success rate but rather the therapist themselves
    -Patient-therapist relationships are essential in effective therapy treatments for depression
    -Thus we may not be able to attribute improvements to depressive symptoms to CBT solely as it may be therapist themselves increasing effectiveness
  • What is another strength
    -CBT is one of the most popular and successful therapies for treating depression
    March et al.(2007) found that CBT was more successful at treating depression in adolescents than drug therapy
    -This means that it has good application as CBT is effective in reducing symptoms of depression