Menstrual cycle

Cards (16)

  • 1.Pituary glands release first which causes eggs to mature in ovary
  • 2.Ovaries produce oestrogen which repaires lining of uterus and thickens it
  • 3)LH is released by pituary glands and causes ovary to release eggs into oviduct(ovulation)
  • 4)afterwards progesterone is produced by ovaries(maintains lining of uterus keeps it intact)
  • 5)causes uterus to shed lining(period) and repeats every 28 days
  • The reproductive hormones interact with each other during menstrual cycle
  • Progesterone helps prepare body for pregnancy by:
    • Maintaining lining of uterus
    • Helps oestrogen stop production of LH
  • Oestrogen
    • Eggs don't mature because pituary glands don't release FSH
    • evaluation caused because LH released instead
    • Cause ovaries to release more progesterone
  • what happens day 1-5
    menstruation(bleeding from vagina) also known as period
  • on day 1-5 where does blood come from
    breakdown of lining of uterus
  • what happens day 5-14 (bleeding stops)
    uterus lining grows again and egg cell starts to mature in ovary
  • What happens during 14-28
    Uterus lining is maintained
  • On day 14?
    Ovulation (egg cell released ) and starts it's journey down oviduct
    • If egg cell is fertilised by sperm cell in oviduct then grows into embryo
    • Embryo implants itself in uterus lining
    • Women is pregnant
    • Egg cell may not be fertilised by sperm cell into oviduct then it dies
    • If not by day 28 uterus lining breaks down
    • Women have period menstrual cycle begins again
    • Then have period 28 days after
  • Menstrual cycle is not always regular