Localisation of Function

Cards (81)

  • What is the main idea of localisation of function?
    Different brain parts are responsible for different functions
  • How does brain damage affect functions according to localisation theory?
    Only functions linked to the damaged area are affected
  • Who discovered Broca's area?
    Paul Broca
  • What was the name of Broca's patient?
    Tan (real name Lebourgne)
  • What was found in Tan's brain after his death?
    A large lesion in the left frontal lobe
  • What function is associated with Broca's area?
    Speech production
  • What condition is associated with underactivity in Broca's area?
  • What is Broca's Aphasia characterized by?
    Difficulty finding words and forming sentences
  • What is a common feature of speech in Broca's Aphasia?
    Speaks in short, meaningful sentences
  • Who studied language deficits alongside Broca?
    Carl Wernicke
  • Where is Wernicke's area located?
    On the temporal lobe
  • What function is associated with Wernicke's area?
    Speech comprehension
  • What is Wernicke's Aphasia also known as?
    Fluent aphasia
  • What is a characteristic of Wernicke's Aphasia?
    Struggles to understand language
  • How do individuals with Wernicke's Aphasia speak?
    Produces long fluent sentences with little meaning
  • What are the differences in function between Broca's area and Wernicke's area?
    • Broca's area: Speech production
    • Wernicke's area: Speech comprehension
  • What does the motor cortex control?
    Voluntary movements of the body's muscles
  • What does the somatosensory cortex process?
    Sensory information from the body
  • What does the visual cortex process?
    Visual information received from the eyes
  • What does the auditory cortex process?
    Sounds and auditory information
  • What are language centres primarily involved in?
    Understanding and producing language
  • Where is Broca's area located?
    In the left frontal lobe
  • Where is Wernicke's area located?
    In the left temporal lobe
  • What is Wernicke's Aphasia characterized by?
    Fluent but nonsensical speech
  • What was the focus of Delgado's study?
    Using electrodes to control motor movement
  • What happens if an illness damages a specific part of the brain?
    Behavior associated with that area is affected
  • What was the dominant view of the brain in the 19th century?
    Holistic theory
  • Who conducted research that led to the localization of function theory?
    Paul Broca and Carl Wernicke
  • What does localization of function imply?
    Different brain areas are responsible for specific functions
  • What is the outer part of the brain called?
    Cerebral cortex
  • How many lobes does the cerebral cortex contain?
    Four lobes
  • What are the names of the four lobes of the brain?
    Frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal
  • What is the function of the frontal lobe?
    Movement, personality, and higher-level thinking
  • Where is the motor area located?
    Back of the frontal lobe
  • What does the parietal lobe process?
    Sensory information like touch and pressure
  • What is the primary sensory area responsible for?
    Interpreting information from the body
  • What is the somatosensory area associated with?
    Body senses
  • What separates the motor area and somatosensory area?
    Central sulcus
  • What is the function of the occipital lobe?
    Responsible for sight
  • What does the temporal lobe process?
    Sounds and auditory information