Cards (7)

  • What did Foucault say?
    Panopticon prison is the way to surveil, have eyes everyone as in the middle
  • what is a carceral state?
    A state that focuses on punishment and incarceration as a solution to social issues. It shapes society and culture through policies and logic of control, surveillance, criminalisation and un-freedom (Foucault)
  • what is a synopticon?
    Thomas Mathiesen
    where everybody watched everybody, able to do so through the use of digital technology - phones, CCTV, Ring doorbells
  • what is sousveillance?
    Mann et al
    surveillance from below, ordinary citizens can control the controllers by taking back power and recording behaviour of those in power to ensure standards are met
  • criticism of Sousveillance
    Under terrorism act police can legally confiscate camera and phones of citizen journalists if they perceive the device to me used as a threat to public safety. example of a RSA, bourgeoisie's social control mechanism
  • what are surveillant assemblages?
    Hegarty and Ericsson
    where images and data from different surveillance devices communicate with one another to create a data double of an individual
  • what is actuarial justice and risk management?
    Feeley and Simon
    lowering future crime by calculating potential risk of offenders, then intervening through surveillance. Surveillance techniques identify, classify and manage groups, sorted by levels of dangerousness. Stop and Search is one feature of risk management