Marxists argue that infrastructure determines superstructures
Gordon argues that crime is a rational response to the capitalism system, and statistics attempt to make it appear as mainly a working class issue
Gordon says crime is inevitable in capitalism and capitalism is criminogenic
Gordon says that poverty, consumer goods and alienation and a lack of control causes crime
Gordon says profits encourage capitalists to commit crime
However, Gordon can't explain crime in communist societies
State and Law-making is not created to server everyone but protect the interests of the capitalist class
Chambliss argues that all laws ultimately benefit the ruling class, namely private property laws, which is the corner stone of capitalism
Chambliss argues crime happens all over social classes, but most prisoners are from lower social classes
Reiman argues that the criminal justice system applies laws selectively
Reiman says poorer and oppressed social groups are more likely to be criminalised
Reiman found the more likely a crime is to be committed by a wealthy person the less likely it is to be treated as a criminal offence
Box said that most people convicted of serious crimes are;
Often unemployed
Impoverished Neighbourhoods
Box says that street crimes are increasingly common because of deteriorating living conditions for certain groups
Box found that the media, law enforcement and academics focus on street crime as the primary crime problem
Box says that the focus on street crimes brings attention away from the crime of the wealthy
The ideological function for capitalism that laws fulfil is to make it appear as if the laws are to benefit of the working class
For example, workplace safety laws serve capitalism rather than the working class
Pearce argues that laws benefit the ruling class by making it appear they are caring when in fact workplace safety laws are just to keep workers fit for work
The Ideological Function of Law is to create a false class consciousness for workers
Despite the corporate homicide law being passed in 2007, the first 8 years only had one successful prosecution of a UK company
The ruling class control the values of society in two ways;
Threat of force
The Ideological Function of crime aids the ruling class ability to manipulate values of all members of society
Socialisation is persuading people of the rightness of family through agencies (ie School/Media)
Threat of Force means if socialisation fails the group are threatened with harsh punishments for breaking the laws, protecting the powerful
However, Pearce has been criticised for being too deterministic as not all capitalist countries have high crime rates, ignoring CJS prosecutes the wealthy sometimes, and ignores intra-class crime