Crime and devience

Cards (11)

  • What is defined as a crime?
    Against the law
  • What is deviance?
    Not against the law, just against norms
  • How does crime relate to deviance?
    All crime is deviance, not all deviance is crime
  • What does it mean that deviance is relative and socially constructed?
    It is built by society, not natural
  • Why is crime considered relative?
    It varies based on person, place, power, time, traditions, and cultures
  • What factor does gender play in deviance?
    It influences how acts are perceived
  • How does the place of an act affect its classification as deviance?
    Drugs may be legal in some places
  • How does power influence deviance?
    Those with power, like police, have more influence
  • What role does time play in defining deviance?
    Acts can be deviant depending on when they occur
  • What are some examples of traditions that can be considered deviant?
    Polygamous relationships and honor killings
  • How do cultures influence deviance?
    Different cultures may accept practices like polygamy