homeostasis + animal control final revision

Cards (17)

  • fsh:

    rises and peaks on day 14
    purpose is to grow an egg and release it
  • lh
    short period - day 14
    job is to release egg for ovulation
  • oestrogen:

    stimulates the lining to grow
  • progesterone
    maintains the lining of the uterus
    inhibits lh and fsh
  • disadvantages of ivf
    expensive and doesnt always work - politics around unused embryoes
  • homeostasis:

    the maintainence of constant internal environment
  • for the body to work all the time we need to regulate the blood glucose, water and temperature levels
  • brain role in homeostasis
    control centre
  • cns role in homeostasis
    send signals to many parts of the body
  • pancreas role in homeostasis
    produces insulin and glucagon
  • muscles/ effector role in homeostasis
    moving/ shivers
  • glands role in homeostasis
    hormone production
  • type 1 diabetes cause
    genetics - pancreas doesnt produce the right amount of insulin
  • type 2 diabetes cause
    cells become insensitive to insulin
  • treatment of type 1
    insulin injections - amount of insulin depends on what they eat and how much exercise the person does
  • type 2 treatment
    control diet and exercise
  • symptoms of both types of diabetes
    weight loss
    increased urine + thirst
    blurred vision