Weakness 1- One issue with explanations for conformity is that there are individual differences in conformity.
Because 1- McGhee and Teevan (1967) found that people who are less concerned with being liked, are less affected by NSI. But those who are more concerned with being liked are more affected by NSI.
Strength- NSI underlines conformity for some people more than others, therefore cannot use these theories to explain everyone's behaviour.
Weakness 2- One weakness of these explanations is that they assume ISI and NSI occur separately, when it is likely that they occur together.
Because 2- Following his research, Asch interviewed ppts, most conformed due to NSI and some ppts conformed doe to ISI.
Strength 2- Difficult to separate NSI and ISI in real life situations and more likely both will apply to conforming in real life.