Infradian Rhythms

Cards (4)

  • Infradian rhythms
    -these are cyclical changes in the biological processes that take longer than 24 hours to complete one full cycle.
    -e.g. female menstrual cycle and seasonal affective disorder
    -Peak and trough of hormone levels: LH, FSH, oestrogen and progesterone.
    -Those hormones stimulate changes in the reproductive anatomy of females in preparation for a fertilised egg to embed and develop into a foetus.
  • Infradian rhythms - menstrual stages

    -Menstrual phase - pregnancy has not occurred. Oestrogen and progesterone levels decrease causing lining to shed (period).
    -Follicular phase - hormone FSH rises causing eggs contained inside the follicle to ripen. The developing egg causes release of oestrogen causing the uterus lining to thicken.
  • Infradian rhythms - menstrual stages
    -Ovulation phase - rise in LH causes the egg to be released and travel down the fallopian tube.
    -Luteal phase - rise in progesterone and oestrogen causes womb lining to thicken. These hormones decrease if fertilisation doesn't occur and female enters menstrual phase again. Cycle repeats.
  • Research support - Armpit pheromones and McClintock effect
    -McClintock noticed a synchronisation of menstrual cycles amongst women living in close proximity.
    -They followed 29 women who had a history of irregular menstrual cycles. Sweat was collected from 9 women then sterilised and dabbed onto the upper lip of the other 20 women
    -68% of recipients of the sweat donation had responded to the pheromones as their menstrual cycle had synched.
    -However, there are a number of co-founding variables which may influenced menstrual synchrony like stress, diet exercise and health conditions.