
Cards (14)

  • what is transpiration
    the evaporation of water from the underside surface of a leaf
  • why does loss of water occur
    due to
    • evaporation- water at surface of spongy mesophyll cells evaporate
    • diffusion- water vapour diffuses through stomata
  • what does this evaporation cause
    it causes a shortage of water in leaf, so more water is drawn up from rest of plant, through xylem vessels to replace it
    • meaning more water from roots is drawn up, therefore there is a constant transpiration stream of water throughout plant
  • functions of transpiration in plants (4)
    • transports mineral ions
    • provides water to cells to keep them turgid +support structure of plant
    • provides water to leaf cells for photosynthesis
    • keeps leaves cool as heat energy is removed from leaves when water evaporates
  • where does water enter+evaporate from
    • water enters through roots
    • water evaporates through leaves
  • how does water escape from leaves
    there is a higher concentration of water inside the plant than outside, so water escapes from leaves through the stomata via diffusion
  • what are 4 factors that affect transpiration
    • temperature
    • light intensity
    • humdity
    • air speed
  • how does light intensity affect rate of transpiration (INCREASES)
    • as light intensity increases, transpiration rate increases
    • this is because when light intensity increases, rate of photosynthesis also increases
    • so stomata will open wider to allow more co2 into leaf (for photosynthesis)
    • when this occurs, more water will be able to evaporate
    • meaning a higher rate of transpiration
  • what happens to stomata at night+how affects transpiration
    stomata will close as photosynthesis cannot occur at night so they wont need to allow co2 in
    • when stomata = closed, very little water can escape
  • temperature affecting transpiration rate (INCREASES)
    • as temp increases, transpiration rate increases
    • as water particles have more kinetic energy+ move around faster so are able to evaporate+diffuse out of stomata
  • wind speed affecting transpiration rate (INCREASES)
    • as wind speed increases, rate of transpiration increases as
    • water particles surrounding leaf (which have diffused out of stomata) are blown away
    • meaning there is a high conc of water inside leaf rather then outside
    • therefore diffusion occurs faster from high conc to low conc
    • + more water vapour diffuses out of leaf
  • what happens if its not windy
    • water vapour surrounding leaf will not move away
    • meaning high conc of water outside leaf as well as inside
    • therefore diffusion doesnt happen as quickly
  • humidity affecting transpiration rate (DECREASES)
    • as humidity increases, transpiration rate decreases
    • as when air is humid, there is a large amount of water in moist air
    • this decreases the conc gradient
    • meaning less water will be able to diffuse out
    • therefore decreases rate of transpiration
  • what do plants need to help conserve water
    fewer stomata