Late + Post modernism

Cards (8)

  • Giddens - late-modernity

    - someone being able to examine their own feelings + how they influence what they do/think
    - reflexivity = reflect on possible consequences of actions
    - no fixed ideas = constant reflection on actions
  • Criticism - Giddens - late modernity
    suggests we are free to re-shape our lives to reduce exposure to risks - but not always possible e.g. poor = more environmental risks, unable to move
  • Beck - late modernity
    Risk society
    - new dangers + risks e.g. past = natural risks e.g. disease, today = manufactured risks e.g. nuclear war, global warming
    - reflexive modernisation = constantly assess potentially risks -> leads to risk consciousness = heighted awareness e.g. eat food based on if it's good for the environment
  • Criticism - Beck - late modernity
    Rustin / Marxist - capitalism = source of risk, Beck fails to recognise this
    Pre-modern risks = worse: disease, famine, war
    Risk not experiences universally - e.g. w/c at greater risk of ill-health
  • Lyotard - post modernity
    - Knowledge = different 'language games' / ways of seeing the world
    - Postmodernity embraces competing views rather than modern society's meta-narratives
  • Baudrillard - post modernity
    Simulacra + identity
    - society = about buying/selling knowledge rather than goods
    - simulacra/hyperreality - representation of extreme reality that overshadow actual reality e.g. Love Island hyper-real environment
    - critical of TV - line between image + reality = blurred
    - identity = destabilised - create our own identity, easy to change
    - pessimistic - how can we improve reality if we no longer understand it
  • Harvey - post modernity / Marxism
    - capitalism = constantly changing
    - flexible accumulation - workers need to be flexible for employers' needs
    - identity has become a commodity e.g. fashion, sports, music marketed as products
    - movements on class not as important as in past - replaced by environmentalism
  • Criticism of post-modernity
    - Late-modernists - still accept meta-narratives
    - self-defeating - why should we believe a theory that claims no theory has truth
    - Marxists, Philo + Miller - say post-modernists ignores power and inequality, ruling class manipulate media to control ideologies
    - morally questionable - assuming all view-points are true, becomes valid to deny things such as Nazi's murdering millions as much as it can affirm it