The two explanation for resistance to social influence are social support and locus of control
Social Support is when others in a group support a person's beliefs which can reduce the pressure to conform
Internal Locus of Control means that the person is less likely to be influenced by others because they believe they are responsible for their own actions
External Locus of Control means that the person is more likely to be influenced by others because they do not take responsibility for their own actions
The three factors affecting minority influence are consistency, commitment, and flexibility
Synchronic consistency is where the minority presents a united front by all sharing the same message
Diachronic consistency is where the minority continues to promote their message over a period of time
Commitment is where the minority continues to promote their message when faced with social pressure or abuse
Flexibility is where the minority must be willing to make compromises
The Snowball effect is where the minority view gradually gains momentum and eventually becomes the norm
The Augmentation Principle is where the majority group pays more attention to the minority when they engage in extreme activities as it shows greater commitment carried out the blue/green slide study to investigate consistency in minority influence
Moscovici used two groups of 6 people with 2confederates in each, in group 1 the minority consistently said the blue slides were green, in group 2 the minority were inconsistent
Moscovici found that group 1 agreed with minority on 8% of trials, while group 2 agreed on 1%
Moscovici'scontrol group with no confederates only said green 0.25% of the time
A limitation of Moscovici'sexperiment is that it was an artificial task so lacks external validity
The stages of social change are: drawing attention, consistency, deeper processing, the augmentation principle, the snowball effect, social crytpoamnesia
Deeper Processing is where the attention drawn to the situation causes people to think more deeply about it
Social Cryptoamnesia is where people have a memory that change has occurred but don't remember how it happened