The place of women

Cards (22)

  • Which two women does St Paul refer to in his letter to the Romans?
    Phoebe and Junia
  • How does St Paul describe Phoebe?

    A "deacon and patron of many"
  • What is Julia?

    An apostle
  • What is a deacon?
    A member of the office of Christian Churches
  • Is a deacon ordained?

  • What is an apostle?
    A teacher, an important early Christian or missionary
  • Whose writings influenced the belief about Original Sin from the 2nd to 5th century?
    • Tertullian
    • St Jerome
    • St Augustine of Hippo
  • In the Western part of the Roman Empire, what did Christianity develop a loathing for?
    The physical body
  • What do women become known as in the 2nd to 5th century?
    "The devil's gateway"
  • When did men forbid women from being ordained as deacons?
    The 5th century
  • What is celibacy?

    The decision to abstain from marriage and sexual relations for social and religious reasons
  • What did men who wanted to be close to God do?
    Stay away from women (became celibate) to avoid the devil
  • What did convents offer women?
    The opportunity for women to escape male-dominated society and the demands of motherhood
  • Who was Hildegarde?

    A leader of a convent who wrote music, poetry and letters that are now seen to express feminist views
  • Once married, what did a man in the 19th century have control over?
    His wife's property and money
  • Once married, what would a woman in the 19th century do?
    Raise children and work the land or keep house
  • What changed in the 19th century?
    Human civil rights, democracy and nationalism, industrialisation and free market systems, slavery was abolished
  • What philosophical movement defined the 19th century?
    The enlightenment period
  • What did the Education Act 1870 provide?
    Universal primary education for boys and girls
  • What book did Catherine Booth publish?
    Female Ministry: Women's Rights to Preach the Gospel
  • When did Catherine Booth publish her book?
  • "She presumes to step on the platform or in the pulpit, she loses the delicacy and grace of the feminine character" - Booth