protein synthesis

Cards (8)

  • mRNA is a short polynucleotide that is single stranded
  • tRNA is a single stranded clover shaped molecule it’s an amino acid binding site
  • transcription:
    1.) at gene locus, hydrogen bonds broken, DNA double helix unwinds (enzyme DNA helicase), template is exposed for mRNA
    2.) only one of the DNA strands acts as a template
    3.)free floating mrna nucleotides complementary base pair to template
    4.) rna polymerase moves down template to form phosphodiester bonds
    5.) rna polymerase moves down gene to the stop codon and trna polymerase releases itself
    6.) mRNA exits nucleus
  • Proteome= The full range of proteins a cell is able to produce
  • genome= the entire genetic material of an organism, including all genes and dna (coding and noncoding)
  • In protein synthesis, what is produced by transcription?
  • translation:
    ribosome attaches to mRNA (at start codon)
    Ribosome moves to find the start codon
    tRNA carries specific amino acid and complementary Anticodon on tRNA binds to codon on mRNA
    Ribosome moves along to next codon
    amino acids join by peptide bonds (requires ATP and an enzyme)
    this continues until stop codon is reached and ribosome detaches
  • what is the role of RNA?
    transfers genetic info from dna to ribosomes for protein synthesis