Government on Elizabeth's accession

Cards (11)

  • The court was made up of noblemen who would give Elizabeth advice. They helped her to display her wealth and power. Many were also apart of the privy council
  • The privy council was made up of courtiers and nobles who had to entertain the monarch and offer advice. They were a display of wealth and power
  • 19 members were in the privy council
  • Parliament was made up of the house of lords and house of commons. They were called and dismissed by the monarch
  • Elections in parliament were held before each new parliament. Elizabeth only ever called parliament 10 times
  • Each county had a lord lieutenant who was chosen by the monarch. They were nobility usually and had to maintain the monarchs power and national defence
  • Justices of the peace were landowners who kept law and order in their local area. They reported crimes to the privy council and heard courts for serious crimes in their county
  • The secretary of state was a very important person who was closest to the monarch. They would give the queen advice and disagree with her. They would also keep track of activity in Europe to make sure the queen is safe
  • The secretary of the state during Elizabeth's reign was William Cecil
  • The parliament was in charge of approving taxes
  • The lower classes had no say in how the country was ran and were expected to obey their social superiors