The variable that is manipulated or changed by the researcher in an experiment.
what is a dependent variable?
A measurable outcome of the action of the independent variable in an experiment
what is operationalisation?
Making a variable specific
what is an extra extraneous variable?
A variable other than variable that may affect the dependent variable and this should be controlled
what is a confounding variable?
A variable other than the independent variable that has affected the dependent variable and has this confounded the findings of study. It is usually impossible/difficult to control these variable
how can you control extraneous variables?
Random allocation
what is random allocation?
An attempt control for participant variables in an independence groups design which ensures that each participant has the same chance of being in one condition as any other
what is randomisation?
An attempt to control the effects of ordering a repeated measures design the order of each participant does each condition is determined by chance
what is counterbalancing?
An attempt to control for the effects of ordinaryrepeated measures design half the participants experience the conditions in one order and the other half experience is the conditions in the other order
what is standardisation?
Using exactly the same formalise procedures and instructions for all participants in a research study
What are participant extraneous/ confounding variables?
Characteristics of participants that can affect outcomes e.g. age gender national
how how can you control participant extraneous/ confounding variables?
By using a matched pairs design- participants are matched on specific characteristics
Repeated measures, participant effects are cancelled out when the experiment is repeated
what are situational variables?
Variables in the infecting the dependent variables such as rainfalltemperaturelight intensity
how can you control situational variables?
Use standardised procedures and instructions
what are experimental/investigator extraneous/confounding variables?
Affects that occurred due to the behavioural categories of the experimenter/investigator which impact how the participant acts it can be unconscious
how can you control experimental/investigator extraneous/confounding variables?
Use a range of experiment so it’s not just one person influencing the results or just use one so it’s the same effect on everyone
You could also use a double blind procedure
what are demand characteristics in extraneous/confounding variables?
Queue for a researcher given that can impact our participants act if they guess the aim of the study this can lead to the screw you affect where the study of sabotage
how can you control demandcharacteristics in extraneous/confounding variables?
Use single/double blind procedures
Not have informed consent
what is social desirability bias in extraneous/confounding variables?
The tendency of participants to answer in a certain way to protect themselves in a better light
how can you control social desirability bias in extraneous/confounding variables?
Perform the experiment. individually and anonymously.