- no plan of final destination
- 6 weeks to break out of blockhouses
- followed by GMD army and fought battles against them until safety in Yanan
- led by Comintern adviser Otto Braun who encouraged Red Army to fight with GMD forced in urban areas, but lead to heavy losses
- Xiang river lost half troops fighting against GMD
- after Zunyi meeting in Jan 1935, developed new tactic leading army in surprising directions, dividing & regrouping forces, across mountains, rivers and deserts
- crossed Yangtze River and Dadu river (22 soldiers swung across river on chains while enemy shot at them)
- arrived at Yanan in Oct 1935
- 10,000 of 80,000 survived
- at this time, Chiang's gov was officially recognised by the West and USSR, and Nationalist control of China was secure