geohazards in britian

Cards (9)

  • the somerset levels in 1607 flooded. Evidence from a layer of sand in mud deposits in five places:
    • South Gloucestershire
    • Cardiff 
    • Swansea 
    • Croyde bay 
    • Devon 
    • Bideford 
  • somerset levels:
    Pebbles and broken shells were found - brought from the ocean
  • Storegga slide
    Tsunami deposits of sand and rip up clasts of coastal deposits and microfossils were found under a peat line. Tsunami deposits found 9 meters above current sea level. 
  • Storegga slide:
    • Expansion of methane hydrates 
    • Glacial sediment dropped off continental shelf
    • Isostatic rebound due to melting icecap 
  • UK is a low to moderate earthquake hazard region. 
  • Specific safety measures are not needed for most buildings, but are need for important structures like dams and nuclear facilities. 
  • Major earthquake effects include fall of old structures and damage to anything else from the fall of material is secondary damage. 
  • Largest recorded British earthquake was in june 1931 with a magnitude of 6.1, located in the north sea. 
  • Low magnitude quakes occur every month but are rarely felt.