
Cards (9)

  • what is a hypothesis?
    A precise and testable statement about the words specifically about the relationship between data to be measured
    It is a statement about populations an not samples
  • what is an experimental/alternative hypothesis?
    There will be a difference in the dependent variable between the independent variable conditions
  • what is a null hypothesis?
    there won’t be a difference in the dependent variable between the independent variable conditions
  • what are the two types of experimental/alternative hypothesis?
  • what is the directional (one tailed) hypothesis?
    States the kind of difference or relationship between two conditions or two groups of participants
  • what is a non-directional (two tailed) hypothesis?
    Simply predict that there will be a difference or relationship between two conditions or two groups of participants but does not say which way
  • what is the formula for writing a directional experimental/alternative hypothesis?
    IV condition will perform quicker than IV condition B
    or IV condition B will perform worse/slower than IV condition a
  • what is the formula for writing a non-directional experimental /alternative hypothesis?
    significant difference between IV condition and I
  • what is an aim?
    A statement of what the researchers intend to find out in a research study it usually starts with the phrase a study to investigate