evolution of oxygen from water plant

Cards (17)

  • what is this practical also known as
    how the rate of photosynthesis may be affected by light intensity
  • method (9)

    1. place pondweed in beaker of water+ensure gas syringe empty
    2. add sodium hydrogen carbonate in water -ensure plant has enough co2
    3. place light source set distance from beaker, use ruler
    4. allow plant photosynthesize for set time, using stopwatch
    5. photosynthesis occurs,- oxygen collects in capillary tube
    6. experiment finished, use syringe to draw oxygen bubble towards top+ruler to measure length of bubble
    7. repeat experiment+ calculate average-ensure reliable results, whilst keeping variables, temp, controlled
    8. change light intensity by increasing distance between light source+beaker
  • how many steps
  • independant variable
    light intensity
  • dependant variable
    rate of photysnthesis
  • control variable
    • temperature
    • species of pondweed
    • conc of co2 (to ensure not limiting factor)
  • 1st step
    place pondweed into beaker with water + ensure gas syringe is empty
  • 2nd step

    add sodium hydrogen carbonate into water to ensure plant recieves enough co2
  • 3rd step
    place light source at specific distance away from beaker eg: 10 cm, using a ruler
  • 4th step
    leave pondweed to photysnthesize for set amount of time using stopwatch
  • step 5
    as photosynthesis occurs, oxygen released will collect in the capillary tube
  • step 6
    once experiment is finished, use syringe to draw gas bubble in tube towards top + measure length of oxygen bubbles using a ruler
  • step 7
    repeat experiment 3 times+ calculate an average for reliable results whilst keeping variabales eg temp controlled
  • step 8
    change light intensity by increasing distance between light source and beaker
  • how can you show that the gas released is oxygen
    relight a glowing splint
  • how can you change the apparatus to measure temp
    place test tube with pondweed into beaker with a set temp by using a water bath and a themometer
  • how can you change apparatus to measure effect of co2
    use different concs of sodium hydrogen carbonate in water