Marxism + Neo-Marxism

Cards (21)

  • Marxists once again see age inequalities as part of wider class issues. The issue is not which particular age groups are disadvantaged but which social groups within those age groups are disadvantaged.
  • Name 3 Marxists who give views on age inequality:
    1. Vincent --> Old age characterised by material deprivation
    2. Campbell --> "Intergenerational transmission of privilege"
    3. Phillipson --> Reserve Army of Labour
  • Who claims that old age is characterised by material deprivation and that it effected women and the working class the most?
  • Vincent
    Old people are more likely to live in poverty; this is particularly true for women and the working classes. As low pay and part-time employment are seen throughout their lives. Reducing their private pensions.
  • What other evidence supports Vincent's argument that old age is characterised by material deprivation?
    He uses the decline in the value of pensions as further evidence
  • Who talks about the “intergenerational transmission of privilege”?
  • What does Campbell mean when he uses the term "intergenerational transmission of privilege"?
    Passing down economic capital to future generations. This makes inequalities more prevalent.
  • Campbell:“Intergenerational transmission of privilege”
    Social inequalities are present in each generation, making age inequalities a class issue. Due to the transmission of economic capital, that has made inequalities more prominent. Meaning the issue is class conflict between different age groups, e.g., young mc vs young wc or old mc vs old wc
  • What is a direct evaluation of Marxist views around age inequalities?
    Marxism lacks a coherent explanation of age disadvantage as a separate category. It ignores age as a separate factor and reduces everything back to social class. As a result, they are not seeing the impact of ageism.
  • Who claims that the elderly and youth are apart of the Resevere Army of Labour?
  • Phillipson, Reserve army of labour
    During times of economic booms/ highs, they are employed, but during recessions, the elderly are pushed out. Both the young and elderly are seen to be victims of this system. Eg zero hour contracts.
  • How is Phillipsons argument around the young and elderly being apart of the reserve army of labour supported?
    The analysis of who was most likely to be furloughed (suspended/fired) during the Covid 19 pandemic, with the young most likely to be on the scheme.
  • Why is Phillipsons argument criticised?
    Ignores the laws that are in place to protect individuals from age discrimination (such as the Age Discrimination Act) and the fact companies cannot just fire the young and old without sufficient reasons.
  • Name all the Neo-Marxists that give views on age inequality:
    1. Gramsci --> Legitimisation of authority
    2. Hall & Jefferson --> Young can resist hegemony
  • Which sociologist talks about the legitimisation of authority?
  • What is the legitmisation of authority Gramsci talks about?
    He argues that the bourgeoise are able to continue to exploit due to using certain concessions as false consciousness, which stops people from realising they are being exploited.
  • Give an example of how the bourgeoise are able to exploit using concessions as false consciousness? Gramsci
    The government provides child benefits, state pensions, and a threshold for a minimum wage. These laws and policies prevent the youth and old from realising the extent of their exploitation in the workplace.
  • What is a concession (Gramsci: legitimisation of authority)?
    A thing that is granted, especially in response to demands, eg benefits
  • Why is Gramscis argument that certain age groups have a false consciousness stopping them from realising they are being exploited criticised?
    His idea ignores the rise of the “grey pound": the elderly are an increasing consumer group with economic power and therefore are not necessarily reliant on the bourgeoise but rather an asset for them, meaning they don't have false consciousness as they aren't being exploited from.
  • Who claims the reason young people are more likely to be deviant is because they are able to resist hegemony? (inequalities in crime)
    Hall & Jefferson
  • Hall & Jefferson: Young people are more likely to be deviant as they are able to resist hegemony
    Adults have to conform because they have responsibilities such as a job and children but because the young are less likely to have these they form deviant subcultures to express their displeasure at a capitalistic society e.g. punks