Cards (70)

  • Name 4 radical feminists:
    1. Firestone (biological facts)
    2. Dworkin (every woman's son is her potential betrayer)
    3. French (eyes,laws and codes)
    4. Ortner (patriarchal ideology + false consciousness)
  • Which wave of feminism are radical feminists from?
    The Second wave
  • Radical feminism resurged in the 60s/70s making it second wave feminism
  • What is the main belief of radical feminist?
    that the patriarchy (men being dominant) is the reason women are disadvantaged
  • Which Sociologist said men use the biological fact that women have children to keep them oppressed?
  • Dworkin believes that because men are physically stronger then women they force women to obey their will
  • Who said “under patriarchy, every womens son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another women”?
  • “under patriarchy, every womens son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another women” - Dworkin
  • Why did the radical feminist use the slogan “all men are rapist”?
    to address how the fear of rape kept women opressed
  • Which feminist supported the phrase "all men are rapist" and added on to the movement?

  • Which two radical femenist belive women are opressed due to biology?
    Dworkin & Firestone
  • Who said that a patriarchal ideology is used to make women have a false consciousness?
  • Why does the Patriarchal ideology cause women to have a false consciousness according to Ortner bad?
    it allows women to remain subordinate as the set ideas only benefit men (oppression)
  • Ortners theory that a patriarchal ideology causes women to have a false consciousness can support the idea that women are'nt what?
    actually naturally best suited for family life
  • “they rapes us with their eyes, their laws, their codes” — book called The womens room. Who wrote this?

  • French wrote "they rape us with their eyes, their laws, their codes”. What are eyes referring to?
    sexual exploitation and objectification
  • French wrote "they rapes us with their eyes, their laws, their codes”. What is "laws" refering to?
    the fact that laws which have been made continue to fail to create equality for men and women as the legal system is dominated by men
  • French wrote "they rapes us with their eyes, their laws, their codes”. What is "codes" refering to?
    patriarchal ideology
  • What is patriarchal ideology?
    Belief in male dominance
  • Why are radical feminists criticised?
    biological explanations fail to explain why women have different levels of status across different societies and time periods — if it was biology gender roles would stay constant as our bodies' anatomy haven't changed
  • Liberal feminists argue that radicals ignore the progress that women have made making radical feminism out of date
  • What are the two reasons Radical femenisism is criticed?
    1. out of date and ignore progression (liberal femenism)
    2. Biological opression can not be real as women have progressed but our bodies havent changed at all
  • Name 3 different Liberal Feminist?
    1. Oakley (socialised into gender roles)
    2. Somerville (progression)
    3. Sharpe (interviews showed progress)
  • What are Liberal Feminist 2 main beleifs?
    • Women have progressed
    • women are opressed due to social constructs
  • What wave is Liberal Feminism?
    second wave
  • Which sociologist talked about gender roles being a social construct (liberal feminism)?
  • Why does Ann Oakley believe that a "maternal insinct" is not real?
    women have been socialised into the mother/housewife role
  • Oakley says girls and boys are socialised into gender norms. How is this done?
    through manipulation and canalization
  • Why does Oakley argue that gender is a social construct?
    gender is formed through socialisation
  • Which Liberal Feminist particullarly crticed Radical Femenist for not acknowledging progression?
  • The rise of the “new man” , reduction of sexist language and the rise in women in the labour market all support which liberal feminists argument?
  • Who interviewed girls in 1972 and found their interests were children marriage and work. Then again interviewed girls in 1994 but found girls interests were now about education and careers?
  • Sharpe found evidence for the progression of women in society using which reasearch method?
    Longitudinal Interviews
  • In which years did Sharpe ask girls about their interests?
    1972 and 1994
  • What change did sharpe find when intereviewing in 1972 and 1994?
    girls became more interested in education and work
  • Name the theories which critic Liberal Feminism?
    • Radical Feminist (undermind patriarchal ideology)
    • Interactionist (self negating prophecy)
  • Self negating prophecy — people are able to reject socialisation and challenge stereotypes. Whos theory does this critic?
  • Radical feminist critics liberals for underestimating patriarchal ideology which means that women are still seen as subordinate to men
  • Why do radical feminist critic liberal feminist?
    Radicals say that they are underestimating patriarchal ideology
  • Which 3 sociologists say that gender inequality has an ethnic dimension that is overlooked?
    • Davidson (concrete ceiling)
    • Brewer (triple oppression)
    • Mirza (black girls developed ways to deal with racism)