Functionalist + New Right

Cards (25)

  • Functionalists believe any inequalities between men and women are natural and due to biology
  • Functionalists say men and women are naturally best suited to different roles making the gender inequalities functional for society
  • Name 3 functionalist sociologists who talk about how women's differences are functional:
    • Durkheim (organic analogy)
    • Parsons (expressive and instrumental)
    • Murdock (224 pre-modern societies)
  • Explain what Durkehim means when he uses the term "organic analogy" to explain gender inequality:
    He claims that men and women are biologically different and best suited to different roles because of this. This biological difference causes "gender inequality".
  • Who uses the idea of "organic analogy" to explain gender inequalities?
  • Durkheim's theory around "organic analogy" is supported by which sociologist?
  • How/why does Rastogi support Durkheim's theory of "organic analogy" explaining gender inequality?
    Rastogi theory around ”human capital” supports it, as he found that men are more successful in the world of work because they prioritise work more as society is meritocratic. --> men are rewarded for this
  • How does Murdock justify / explain gender inequality?
    He claims it is a cultural norm as domestic division of labour has been found in 224 pre-modern societies, in a way proving it to be both functional and natural (presents a value consensus).
  • Who calims gender inequalities/differences are natural + functional due to the same domestic division of labour being found in 224 pre-modern societies?
  • Why is Murdocks theory criticised?
    Outdated, there is no longer a clear division of labour in many modern socities due to progression made by women; in the UK, women make up nearly 50% of the workforce (liberal feminists)
  • Murdock, an anthropologist, has studied 224 pre-modern societies. In all of them there has been value consensus on the gender division of labour – in every society there was a divide in the roles that men and women were expected to carry out. Therefore gender differences are natural and functional.
  • Who claimed that gender differences/inequalities existed because men were "instrumental" and women were "expressive"?
  • Parsons explains gender differences by explaining men and women are biologically different:
    • expressive female - biologically programmed to be more sensitive, child - centred, and emotional. This makes them more drawn to motherhood than the work force
    • instrumental male - men are biologically programmed to be more aggressive and focused on achievement. Making them the breadwinner and competitive in the work force.
  • Parsons belief around men and women being biologically programmed differently is supported by who?
  • Why/How does Hakim support Parsons beliefs around men being biologically programmed to be instrumental and women, expressive?
    Hakim’s theory called ‘rational choice theory’ provides support for Parsons. She argues that a woman’s position is due to a rational choice that they make for themselves. She argues that women are not the victims of unfair employment practices; rather, they actively choose part-time work in order to manage childcare and housework, which they choose to take primary responsibility for.
  • Label each of the functionalist evaluations (supportive+critical):
    A) Rastogi
    B) Outdated
    C) Hakim
  • New right are like contemporary functionalists; they can be seen throughout modern media. They believe men and women are biologically different, making them better at different roles, which is functional for society.
  • Name 2 new right sociologists that give views on reasons for gender differences/inequalities:
    1. Murray (breakdown of the family)
    2. Dennis (key role of women is to raise children)
    3. Schlafly (marriage and motherhood are most fulfilling)
  • Who suggests that the family is important because they instill norms and values via primary socialisation?
  • Murray:
    The new right argues that feminism and the changing role of women has led to a breakdown of the family and therefore of socialisation and social control.
  • Why/how are Murray's + Dennis' views criticised?
    The idea only women can provide socialization in the family is sexist as it assumes men can not.
  • Dennis:
    Adds onto Murrays point that if women are not at home, they are not carrying out their key functions in raising their children. This leads to an increase in deviance and other social problems. Therefore, the divided roles between men and women need to stay the same to ensure children are socialised properly.
  • Murray and Dennis believe gender inequalities/differences need to remain the same because of what?
    Because it prevents anomie as women need to socialise children into the correct norms and values to minimise deviance.
  • Schlafly
    Fought against feminists’ demands: her key beliefs were.
    • Women should not focus on defeating men but on motivating and encouraging them
    • Marriage and motherhood offer women the most fulfilment
    • No successes gained through a career can compare to the satisfaction of raising a child
    • the nuclear family is the most efficient and effective way to raise children
  • Who/how were Schlafy's beliefs criticised?
    Radical feminists claim she ignores the dark side of the family, where women do not benefit from being married or raising kids (i.e., domestic violence).