Cards (37)

  • Name the 4 functionalist sociologist that give views on how social inequalities are functional and fair in society:
    • Durkheim (organic analogy)
    • Davis & Moore (role allocation)
    • Parson (meritocracy)
    • Goldthorpe & Lockwood (embourgeoisement)
  • Functionalists believe that there are class inequalities in society, however, these divisions are inevitable and functional for society
  • What are the functionalist core beliefs about social inequalities?
    1. Fair - social mobility is possible
    2. Functional
    3. "Natural" - organic analogy
  • Which sociologists directly evaluates Goldthorpe & Lockwood's point?
    1. Savage (wc identity still strong)
    2. Braverman (proletarianisation)
  • Which sociologist uses Organic analogy to explain why social inequalities are fair?
  • How does Durkheim's theory of "Organic analogy" explain why social inequalities are justified?
    Not all body parts are equally important eg the heart and brain are vital. This is the same as people contributing to society
  • What is stratification?

    The division of society into different social classes or layers based on factors such as wealth, occupation, and social status.
  • Who said that stratification is natural and functional?
    Davis & Moore
  • Who said that stratification is inevitable in all societies?
  • Which sociologists used the idea of "Role allocation" to justify stratification?
    Davis & Moore
  • Davis & Moore used the theory of Role allocation to explain social inequalities. What is role allocation?
    The idea that occupations that require talent and long training can only attract the talented and hardworking by offering them more wealth, power and prestige.
  • Who said that if a person works hard they will succeed to the best of their ability - Parsons (meritocracy)
  • Who said that a person's hard work and talent can change their social class? ( social mobility is possible due to meritocracy)?
  • Embourgeoisement - the working class becoming more like the middle class
  • Goldthorpe & Lockwood argued that embourgeoisement had not fully occurred within the working class but they had changed
  • What evidence did Goldthorpe & Lockwood find that proved that the working class had changed but the embourgeoisement had not?
    The working class now had changed norms and values like:
    • being/becoming homeowners
    • being more family orientated
  • Which sociologists directly evaluate Davis & Moore's point?
    Tumin (jobs which don't use talent or hard work still rewarded)
  • What reason did Tumin give as to why Davis & Moores argument on social inequalities "role allocation" was inaccurate?
    • Finding that numerous jobs in society that were paid highly but did not contribute to society (vice versa)
    • The idea that it is easier for middle and higher-class people to pursue and realize their talents then the working class
  • Which sociologist criticised Goldthorpe & Lockwood and claimed that the working-class identity is still strong among many working-class people?
  • How/why does the Marxist, Braverman, critique Goldthorpe & Lockwood's theory of "embourgeoisement"?
    Argues that proletarianisation has occurred -- not embourgeoisement
  • The Marxist Braverman talks about the fact that proletarianisation has occurred, What does this mean?
    The middle class is starting to feel like they are losing their status and being treated like the working class.
  • Which sociologist critiqued Goldthorpe & Lockwood's theory on social inequality - arguing that it wasn't embourgeoisement but proletarianisation?
  • The new rights are often seen as an expansion of functionalism and based on traditional conservative politics. They argue a person's social class position is due to their own efforts.
  • Who are the 3 New Right sociologists who give theories for why social inequalities exist / are fair?
    1. Saunders (stratification benefits everyone)
    2. Murray (The underclass)
    3. Sewell (Inadequate socialisation)
  • Which sociologist said Stratification benefits the poor and rich more than unstratified societies?
  • Why does Saunders argue that stratification benefits every class?
    inequalities create more wealth — because when there are more extremely rich people there is more tax money for govs to spend on welfare
  • What does the new right sociologist Saunders explain about social inequalities?
    Explains that Stratification benefits everyone (welfare & taxes)
  • Which sociologist claims that class inequality is the result of the underclass having their own separate values which keep them in poverty?
  • What is the underclass?
    The lowest social class
  • Murray explains that the underclass has different norms and values which keep them poor. What are examples of their norms and values?
    • Living on benefits
    • Criminality
    • single parenting
    • Males being absent from parenting and lacking commitment to relationships
    • Immediate gratification
  • What does Murray state about social inequities?
    It is due to "The Underclasses" own values
  • Which sociologist gave this explanation for social inequities: Afro-Caribbean families are often lone-parent families. This means black boys do not have male role models → Inadequate socialisation?
  • What did Sewell say was the cause of social inequality?
    Inadequate socialisation
  • Sewell
    • Afro-Caribbean families are often lone-parent families. This means black boys do not have male role models → Inadequate socialisation. This then means that black boys do not learn that men are meant to work and be breadwinners. Leading to black people becoming working class entirely because of inadequate socialisation
  • Which sociologist critics Murray's theory on social inequalities being the own person's fault?
  • What reason did Marshall give to why Murray's theory was incorrect?
    He argued that Murray's theory is just a way of blaming the poor and reinforcing negative stereotypes. Stating that the concept of the underclass is a myth because most people who claim benefits also work!
  • Why did Marshall argue that the Underclass Murray talked about was a myth/not real?
    most people who claim benefits also work