Neo-Marxism + Marxism

Cards (28)

  • Which Marxist sociologists give theories about social inequalities?
    1. Marx (bourgeoise exploit)
    2. Marx (polarisation has happened)
    3. Marx (social class is ascribed)
    4. Engels (inheritance of property)
  • Marxism is based on the fundamental principle of class conflict and that economic power was the most significant form of division
  • What are the 3 different points Karl Marx makes about social inequalities?
    1. The Bourgoeise exploit the proletariat
    2. Polarisation has occurred
    3. Positions in society are ascribed -- social reproduction
  • Marx - positions in society are ascribed
    Meaning that they are born into and can not be changed. Marx argues that the bourgeoise continues to stay bourgeoise because they own the means of production - ensuring that the proletariat never has enough money to change their positions (they control their wages)
  • Marx - polarisation has happened
    • Meaning that the higher class is becoming richer and smaller. While simultaneously the working class is getting larger and poorer. The amount of money the bourgeoise makes is increasing making the gap between rich and poor bigger.
  • Which sociologists disagree with Marxists theories on "class conflict"?
    Pakulski & Waters (class is dead)
  • Which Marxist talks about how the bourgeoise have created a family structure system to ensure they keep their wealth (inheritance of property)?
  • Engels claimed that the bourgeoisie has been able to maintain wealth by developing what?
    The nuclear family - this family type allows them to pass on their wealth through the inheritance of property to their sons.
  • Marxist debates on social inequality can be evaluated by social policies around bursaries, benefits and social mobility in general.
  • Neo-Marxism retains the basic Marxist ideas of class conflict but their attitude toward class places less emphasis on economics but more evidence on the media and cultural factors. These create ideology which means they create sets of ideas which the working class come to see as normal or natural. these ideas serve the needs of the ruling class and create false consciousness. (the working class not knowing they are being exploited).
  • Who are the 5 neo-marxists who give views on social inequalities?
    1. Bourdieu (capitals)
    2. Gramsci (hegemonic ideology)
    3. Althusser (ideological state apparatus)
    4. Skeggs (the wc are ritually humiliated)
    5. Blackburn & Mann (divide & rule - wc divided into heterogenous groups)
  • What did Bourdieu suggest allowed the bourgeoise to maintain "social reproduction"?
    1. Social Capital
    2. Economic Capital
    3. Cultural Capital
  • Which sociologist aimed to explain how the bourgeoisie maintained “social reproduction” - Bourdieu
  • Bourdieu claimed that the bourgeoisie maintained “social reproduction” through passing down “capitals” from one generation to the next.
  • The bourgeoise have capitals that help them maintain their social positions while the proletariats have capitals that help them remain theirs. This creates a habitus for different classes which are very difficult to change. -- Bourdieu
  • How did Gramsci develop the original Marxist ideas and class theories?
    He argued that the power and influence of the bourgeoisie social position is not only maintained through economic differences but also maintained by hegemonic ideology. The ruling class socialise the proletariat into their beliefs and this is what prevents them from rebelling against inequalities.
  • Which sociologist brought up the fact that the spread of hegemonic ideology allowed for the bourgeoisie to maintain their social positions?
  • Gramsci suggested that hegemonic ideology helped stop the working class from rebelling against inequalitites
  • What is the "hegemonic ideology" that Gramsci argues allows the bourgeoisie to maintain control?
    A singular dominant belief system in society.
  • Which 3 neo-Marxists specifically studied the ideological state apparatus effects on social inequalities?
    1. Althusser
    2. Skeggs
    3. Blackburn & Mann
  • Which sociologist stated that the working class had a false class consciousness due to ideological state apparatus?
  • Althusser claims that the working class are prevented from feeling working class. Which leads them to being exploited. The bourgeoise enforces this false class consciousness by reinforcing their ruling class ideology within various agencies.
  • Althusser says that the working class have false class consciousnesses because of what?
    the bourgeoisie enforce their ruling class ideology - by using agencies of social control
  • Which sociologist talks about the working class being “ritually humiliated”?
  • Skeggs
    Analysis of TV suggested that the working class were ritually humiliated through stereotypical negative representations. eg Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. The media's mocking leads to negative labels forming and further classism. Ensuring that society views benefits as problematic and treats those who claim them negatively so that those in power do not have to raise them.
  • Which sociologists claim that the media is a major tool of ideological control that the ruling class uses to divide the working class into several heterogeneous groups who are turned against each other?
    Blackburn & Mann
  • Which sociologist directly evaluates Bourdieu's theory on social inequality?
  • Bourdieu's theory on social inequalities (the capitals) is discredited by Giddens. Who argues that people now have reflexivity over their habitus. Meaning individuals can change their habitus.