Endocrine System

Cards (55)

  • Endocrine - compose of gland that secretes different type of  hormones that affect almost every cell, tissue, organ and function of our body
  • Glands: thymus
    Loc: front of the heart
    Hormone: Thymosin
  • Glands:  adrenal Loc: top of the kidney Hormone: adrenaline
  • Glands: pancreas
    Loc: between the kidney
    Hormone: insulin, glucagon
  • Glands: Parathyroid
    Loc: in the neck
    Hormone: parathyromone
  • Glands: thyroid
    Loc: below the voice box
    Hormone: thyroxin, Calcitonin
  • Glands: pituitary
    Loc: base of the brain
  • Pituitary - stimulate growth and control the function of other glands
  • Thyroid- regulate metabolism and store calcium in bones
  • Parathyroid - normalize bone growth and calcium level
  • Thymus- enable the body to produce certain anti bodies
  • Adrenal- prepare the body for action, control heart rate, and breathing
  • Pancreas- regulate blood sugar
  • Glands- is an organ whose cell secrete materials to be bought to the different region of the body
  • Ducts- this is where hormone travel
  • Within- meaning of Endo in Endocrine
  • Seperate- meaning of krinin
  • Bloodstream or fluid around the cell- where Hormone produce directly
  • No - do the glands function all the time
  • Liver- where hormone destroyed after their function
  • Uncoordinated activity- happen when body react to any hormone if hormone do not have specific target
  • Liver- play a vital role in feedback mechanism
  • Adrenocorticotropin hormone- Stimulate the adrenal gland to produce releted steroid hormone
  • Growth hormone- Stimulate the growth of bones and tissue
  • Melanocytes-stimulating hormone- regulate melanin production
  • Thyroid- stimulating hormone- Stimulate thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormone
  • FSH and LH - control sexual function, and production of the sex hormone
  • Prolactin- stimulate milk production in women
  • Antidiuretic hormone- control water loss in kidney
  • Oxytocin- stimulate milk production and contraction of the uterus during childbirth
  • Triiodothyronine and Thyroxine- has iodine
  • Iodine- help regulate metabolis
  • Hyperthyroidism- excess of triiodothyronine and thyroxine
  • Hypothyroidism - insufficient amount of Triiodothyronine and Thyroxine
  • Glands: adrenal glands
    Hormone: adrenaline (epinephrine)
    Target cell: circulatory system
  • Glands: adrenal glands
    Hormone: norepinephrine
    Target:  respiratory system
  • Glands: pancreas
    Hormone: insulin
    Target: many cells
  • Glands: pancreas
    Hormone: glucagon
    Target: many cells
  • Glands: ovary Hormone: estrogen Target: many cells
  • Glands: ovary
    Hormone: progesterone
    Target: uterus