practical: measuring transpiration

Cards (20)

  • what do u use to measure transpiration rate
  • what are the 2 types of potometers
    • bubble potometer
    • mass potometer
  • how can we tell there is a greater rate of transpiration
    further distanced travelled by bubble = faster rate of transpiration
  • calculate rate of transpiration
    rate of transpiration = distance travelled by bubble/ time
  • how many steps
  • method (10)

    1. cut shoot underwater at an angle to prevent air from getting into xylem
    2. place potometer + shoot underwater so no air can enter
    3. ensure apparatus is air +water tight
    4. dry leaves to ensure only water lost by transpiration is measured+allow them to acclmatise
    5. remove end of capillary tube from beaker of water to introduce bubble+then place it back
    6. record starting position of bubble
    7. start stopwatch+record dstance moved by bubble per unit of time
    8. reset air bubble using tap
    9. repeat experiment after changing factor being investigated
    10. keep conditions constant eg:temp/ humidity
  • role of mass potometer
    measures change in mass of plant as we measure amount of water which has evaporated from leaves+ stem
  • bubble potometer
    measures uptake of water by stem as we measure amount of water loss by evaporation. (+ in turn pulling water up through stem)
  • how can u measure the affect of other environmental factors
    • use experiment before as a control
    • vary the environmental condition (eg:temp / humidity)
    • repeat experiment+compare results to control experiment to notice how change has affected transpiration rate
  • env factor: light intensity
    • use a lamp to increase light intensity that hits lamp, which increases transpiration rate
  • how to decrease light intensity
    place potometer in cupboard to decrease light intensity, whch decreases transpiration rate
  • env factor: temperature
    • place potometer in a warmer room (than control experiment) to increase temp, which increases transpiration rate
    • place potometer in a colder room (then control experiment) to decrease temp, which decreases transpiration rate
  • env factor: humidity
    • spray water inside a clear plastic bag and seal it around a plant to increase humidity, which decreases transpiration rate
  • env factor: wind speed
    • use fan/ blowdryer to increase wind speed around plant, which increases transpiration rate
  • precautions for setting up apparatus (4)
    • cut stem underwater to prevent air from entering xylem
    • dry leaves to ensure only water lost through transpiration is measured
    • keep environmental factors constant (eg:light intensity/ humidity)
    • ensure apparatus is airtight+watertight
  • why is a capillary tube used rather than an extension of a glass tube
    as it needs to be thin so even small amounts of water loss can cause a noticeable movement of air bubbles
  • what measurements would you need in order to calculate rate of water uptake by shoot
    • distance moved by bubble (m)
    • time taken (mins)
  • what is a possible reason to why rate of water uptake might exceed rate of water loss in daylight
    as water may be used for photosynthesis
  • black plastic bag is placed over shoot+around stem. name 2 environmental factors could alter result?
    • light intensity- as plant cant access sunlight due to bag black-> as light intensity decreases, stomata closes as wont need to open to allow co2 in for photosynthesis as it cant occur in dark. therefore no water can diffuse out stomata
    • humidity- as plant sealed with bag, it traps moisture from leaves-> as humidity increases, transpiration rate decreases as there a large amount of water in air, meaning conc gradient decreases where less water can diffuse out, decreasing transpiration
  • if rate of water loss from leafy shoot exceeds rate of uptake, leaves will wilt. explain why warmth and breeze will each favour wilting
    • warmth: = high temp which increases transpiration rate. as water water particles have more kinetic energy, they move around faster+allow water to diffuse out stomata+evaporate
    • breeze: = wind which increases transpiration rate. as wind speed increases, water particles which have diffused out of stomata (surrounding leaf) are quickly blown away, leading to a high conc gradient between inside+outside of leaf, therfore more water vapour diffuses out