
Cards (10)

  • What is innovation?

    putting a new idea or approach into action
  • innovation is mainly about creating or adding value. It does so either by:
    • Improving existing goods, processes or services (process innovation), or by
    • Developing goods, processes or services of value that have not existed previously (product innovation)
  • Innovation can come from..
    • Inside the business – e.g. from employees, in-house designers, sales staff
    • Outside the business, e.g. suppliers, customers, media reports, market research insights or from contacts at local universities or other research organisations
  • Product innovation
    Launching new or improved products (or services) on to the market
    Key advantages:
    Higher prices and profitability
    Added value
    Opportunity to build early customer loyalty
    Enhanced reputation as an innovative company
    PR coverage
    Increased market share
  • Process innovation
    Finding better or more efficient ways of producing existing products, or delivering existing services
    Key advantages:
    Reduced costs
    Improved quality
    More responsive customer service
    Greater flexibility
    Higher profits
  • Benefits of Successful Innovation
    Improved productivity & reduced costs
    Better quality
    Building a product range
    To handle legal and environmental issues
    Improved staff retention, motivation and easier recruitment
  • Using Kaizen groups to drive innovation 

    • Linked with developing an innovative culture in business
    • Another kind of quality assurance
    • Based on concept / culture of continuous improvement
    • Encourages employees to engage fully with finding ways to improve quality processes
  • Problems & Risks of innovation
    Uncertain commercial returns
    Availability of finance
  • Patents - Way of Protecting Intellectual Property

    To be protected by a patent, the invention must be:
    An innovative step (i.e. not obvious to other people with knowledge of the subject)
    Capable of industrial application (i.e. it can be made and used!) Not be excluded (certain inventions don't count - e.g. scientific theories, artistic creations)
  • Copyright - Way of Protecting Intellectual Property 

    Important protection for many industries – e.g. media, design, publishing
    Protection is automatic for any original work
    Lasts for 70 years after authors death
    Can control how copyrighted work is exploited (e.g. license, royalties)
    Widely used as a way of protecting creative work of all kind