A03 Anger Management

Cards (7)

  • Ecclectic approach

    Anger management has a number of different levels. Cognitive preparation identifies precursors to anger management in phase 1. Behavioural perspective develops techniques of self management in phase 2. Social approach adopted in phases 3 when offenders required to demonstrate what they have learnt.
  • Multidisciplinary approach (Ecclectic approach)

    Multidisciplinary approach shows knowledge that offending is complex: social and psychological activity.
  • Comparison with behaviour modification

    Unlike behaviour modification, anger management tries to tackle one of the causes of offending. Behaviour modification focuses on superficial behaviour yet anger management attempts to address thought processes that underline offending behaviour.
  • Anger management and recidivism (Comparison with behaviour modification)
    Experience of treatment programmes may give offenders new insights into the cause of their criminality enabling self-discovery. Therefore, anger management is more likely to lead to permanent behaviour change and lower rates of recidivism.
  • Limited long term effectiveness

    Follow up studies of anger management tend not support its effectiveness. Blackburn points out anger management may have noticeable effects on the coduct of offending in the short term, but there is little evidence for decreasing rates of recidivism in the long term. This is due to application phase of treatment which is artificial and does no reflect real life triggers.
  • Anger may not cause offending
    Loza and Fanous used a range of psychometric measures and found no differences in levels of anger between offenders classed as violent and non-violent. Suggested anger managment programmes are misguided as they could provide justification for offending behaviour. Also, financial crimes are not motivated by anger.
  • Expensive and requires commitment
    Anger management requires highly trained specialists. Prisons maynot have the resources to fund such programmes. Success of treatment depends on commitment of ppt.