
Cards (13)

  • What do osmoreceptors register?
    Water potential in the blood
  • Where are osmoreceptors?

  • Which hormone do osmoreceptors control?
    Anti-diuretic hormone
  • What does ADH change?
    The permeability of the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct
  • Osmoreceptors
    A) Hypothalamus
    B) Osmoreceptor neurones
    C) posteriori
    D) ADH
    E) posteriori pituitary gland
    F) Anterior pituitary gland
    G) ADH released
  • Control of water
    A) normal blood water potential
    B) High
    C) detected by osmoreceptors
    D) less ADH
    E) pituitary
    F) DCT
    G) collecting duct
    H) permeable
    I) less water
    J) dilute
    K) larger
    L) Low
    M) osmoreceptors
    N) more ADH
    O) posterior
    P) DCT and collecting duct
    Q) permeable
    R) more water
    S) concentrated
    T) smaller
  • Where is the ADH produced?
    The hypothalamus
  • Where is ADH stored?
    The pituitary gland
  • What is ADH secreted by?
    Specialised nerve cells in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland
  • How do osmoreceptors register low water potential?
    They lose water by osmosis and shrivel
  • What does the shrivel stimulate?
    The hypothalamus to produce more ADH
  • Osmoreceptors
    A) Aquaporin
    B) Basement membrane
    C) Blood with ADH
    D) Distal
    E) Tissue fluid
    F) Lumen
    G) collecting
    H) water
    I) water
    J) medulla
    K) collecting duct
    L) luminal
  • Blood water control
    A) ADH
    B) Receptor
    C) collecting duct cells
    D) aquaporins
    E) phosphorylated
    F) vesicles
    G) luminal membranes
    H) collecting duct cells
    I) vesicles
    J) luminal
    K) water
    L) Aquaporins
    M) potential gradient
    N) concentrated
    O) blood plasma
    P) medulla
    Q) kidney