Development of biblical criticism

Cards (29)

  • What does 1 Timothy 11-12 say?
    11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
  • What verse can be used to explain why women should not be ordained?
    1 Timothy 2:8-15
  • What does 1 Timothy 2:8-15 say women can be saved through?
    Childbearing- faith, holiness and love
  • How did people learn what to believe prior to the reformation?
    • From the Church and its traditional teachings
    • From the teaching of the clergy
    • Priests who had studied Latin and Church doctrine
  • What was challenged during the reformation?
    The authority of the Catholic Church
  • What language was the Bible translated to during the reformation?
  • What did the English translation of the Bible allow for?
    Personal opinions and ideas to be generated
  • When was liberal theology developed?
    19th century
  • What is liberal theology?
    An attempt to find the relevance of religion in modern life
  • What did Albert Schweitzer try to do?
    Get beyond the biblical text to understand the historical Jesus
  • What is biblical criticism?
    Systematic and critical examination of the bible
  • What is higher criticism?
    How passages and books were written and how they relate to each other
  • What is lower criticism?
    Examination of the detail, content, language and meaning
  • What language does Biblical criticism examine?
    The original language the scripture was written in
  • How has Karl Barth influenced scripture?
    Argued the Christian message in the Bible is not a development of Enlightenment values, its role is to challenge ordinary human assumptions
  • According to Barth, can humans judge scripture?

    No, scripture is the judge of human reason
  • What do fundamentalists believe?
    Rules that were applied in first-century Palestine should continue to be applied today, because they were accepted by early Christians
  • Do fundamentalists believe the Bible needs to conform to modern critical scholarship or attitudes?

  • Who were the key women in the New Testament?
    • Mary Magdalene
    • Mary, mother of Jesus
    • Mary and Martha
    • The women who were the first to witness the resurrection
  • What are two Bible quotes that support equality?
    • Roman 16:1-2
    • Galatians 3:26-28
  • What does Roman 16:1-2 talk about?
    Commends Phoebe, a deacon, and asks God to give her any help she may need
  • What does Galatians 3:26-28 say?
    Everyone under Jesus is equal, "nor is there male and female"
  • What is a Bible quotes against equality?
    1 Corinthians 14:34-35
  • What does 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 say?
    Women should be quiet and submissive in Church, if they have any questions they should ask their husbands at home
  • What do Christian Egalitarians argue?
    There should be no distinction between men and women when it comes to the Church
  • What do complementarians argue?
    Men and women have equal importance, but they have different roles in marriage, family life, society and Church
  • What is the Catholic view of equality?

    Men and women are equal but different
  • What does Natural Law suggest about equality?
    That people should live in a way that reflects their inherent nature, men and women are equal but different
  • What did the Vatican say "On the question of the Admission of Women to the Ministerial Priesthood" in 1976?
    • Ordination of women is condemned
    • Jesus showed a model for a higher view of women, but still excluded them from Church