Ethical Implications

Cards (11)

  • What are ethical guidelines?
    A set of principles outlined by the BPS to help psychologists behave honestly and with integrity.
  • What are ethical issues?
    Any issues that arise when there is conflict between the rights of the participant and the aims of the researchers
  • What does the term ethical implications mean?
    Considers the impact or consequence that psychological research has on the rights of other people in a wider context, not just the participants taking part in the research.
  • What is meant by social sensitivity?
    Sieber and Stanley (1988) used the term ‘social sensitivity’ to describe studies where there are potential social consequences for the participants, or the group of people represented by the research
  • What is one example of socially sensitive research?
    1.Zimbardo's Stanford prison experiment.
    • Ethical issues – the participants were deceived; they were unable to provide fully informed consent. The experiment was psychologically distressing. However, they were fully debriefed when leaving the experiment.
    • Ethical implications – the research is useful in understanding how prisons can be reformed and how guards may need to be restrained.
    • Socially sensitive – Zimbardo’s research might actually reinforce harmful stereotypes of prion guards, suggesting they are sadistic and lack empathy.
  • What is an example of a socially sensitive theory?
    2.Bowlby's monotropic theory of attachment.
    • Ethical implications – Bowlby’s theory has contributed to the development of childcare practices and has protected children from harmful childrearing practices. But. It has also encouraged the view that a women’s place is at home with her child.
    • Socially sensitive – Bowlby’s theory reinforces gender stereotypes that women should stay at home and look after their child rather than creating a career path for themselves.
  • How to deal with socially sensitive research?
    1. The research questions – it should be as neutral and objective as possible.
    2. The Methodology used – consider the participant’s right to withdraw. Deception can be used if necessary but a debrief needs to occur after the study.
    3. The institutional context – the research should be mindful of how the data is going to be used and consider who is funding the research.
    4. Interpretation and application of findings – the research needs to consider how their findings might be interpreted and applied in the real world.
  • Evaluation of ethical implications and social sensitivity:
    1.Issues with discrimination
    • The US Army used an IQ test before WWI which was culturally biased toward the dominant white majority.
    • This meant that black Americans were seen as less intelligent, and therefore less resources were used to teach them as it would be less effective.
  • Evaluation of ethical implications and social sensitivity:
    2.Ethical implications associated with research around taboo topics.
    • It is important to allow research to challenge stereotypes. Scarr (1988) argues that studies of underrepresented groups and issues may promote greater understanding to help reduce prejudice and encourage acceptance.
  • Evaluation of ethical implications and social sensitivity:
    3.Poor research designs leading to erroneous findings.
    • Burt’s research, even after the fraud was exposed, the 11+ continue to be used as a selection tool based on the reasoning that there is genetic potential related to intelligence.
    • Therefore any research on socially sensitive topics need to be planned with the greatest care to ensure the findings are valid
  • Evaluation of ethical implications and social sensitivity:
    4.Importance of recognising socially sensitive research can be beneficial.
    • The government looks to research when developing important social policies, for example decisions related to child care, mental health ect. It is beneficial to base such policies on scientific research.
    • This means that psychologists have an important role to play in providing high quality research on socially sensitive topics.