Industrial revolution: UK growth centred around heavy industry and coal fields which thrived in Wales and northern UK (primary) bringing prosperity, wealth, and migrants to the North for employment
Since 1970s: Deindustrialisation caused a decline in these industries, increasing unemployment (sustainability and resource management)
Alternative sources of energy reduced importance of coal fields
Modern industries have located in South -> major unemployment in North
Context of the North-South divide - current day
London and S.E. developed rapidly due to fast growing tertiary sector
London is a major financial centre and has grown faster than the rest of the UK
This has lead to very advantageous house prices across the S.E. in London's sphere of influence causing gentrification
This is inaccessible for most people in the north, leading to a spiral of decline.
North depends on public sector e.g. NHS
South is private sector dominant
This means that the South has more disposable income to spend on private services.
North has lower incomes, e.g. 2011 average household disposable income = 13,560. Benefits make up a higher proportion of income.
South has higher incomes, e.g. 2011 average household disposable income = 20,509 in London
This means that the South have a higher quality of life as they can spend additional money on things that make them happy and London has higher skill and pay jobs
House Prices
The North has lower house prices, average £ 150,000
The South has higher house prices, average £ 300,000
This means that people in the South are normally in the upper / middle class and it is hard for people in the North to access the opportunities in the South
Life Expectancy
The North has lower life expectancy, e.g. in 2013 Manchester male = 71.8, female = 77.8 - link to Glasgow effect
The South has a higher life expectancy, e.g. in 2013 London male = 83.1, female = 84.7
This means that people in the South have higher access to and quality of services due to privatisation and better paid jobs causing a positive multiplier effect
Pupils from the North are less likely to achieve straight A grades at A levels and are less likely to go on to study at Oxford or Cambridge
Pupils in the South are 40% more likely to achieve top GCSE grades
This means that the South has better quality and access to education and resources due to privatisation. This also means the North will have a less skilled and educated work force in the future.
The North have higher unemployment at 7.7%
The South have lower unemployment at 4.4%
This could be due to people in the South having higher access to and quality of services due to privatisation and better paid jobs (positive multiplier effect), so people in the North don't have the necessary skills to access the jobs, causing large scale unemployment.