A data-driven methodology that doesn't assume there are existing categories of offenders
Relies on statistical analysis, evidence and psychological theory to make inferences about linked crimes and offender
the dominant British approach developed by David Canter
Investigative psychology
An attempt to apply statistical procedures, alongside psychological theory, to the analysis of crime scene and evidence
Investigative psychology
Aim is to establish patterns of behaviour that are likely to occur, or co-exist across crime scenes
This is done in order to to develop a statisticaldatabase which then acts a s a baseline for comparison
Investigative psychology
Specific details of an offence, or related offences, can then be matched against this database to reveal important details about the offender, their personal history, background, etc
This may also determine whether a series of offenders are linked in that they are likely to have been committed by the same person
Interpersonal coherence
The way the offender behaves at the scene, including how they ‘interact’ with the victim, may reflect their behaviour in more everyday situations
For example, whilst some rapists want to maintain maximum control and humiliate their victims, others are more apologetic (Dwyer2001)
this might tell the police something about how the offender relates to women more generally
Time and Place
The significance of time and place is also a key variable and may indicate where the offender is living
Forensic awareness
Describes those individuals who have been subject of police interrogation before, their behaviour may denote how mindful they are of covering their tracks
Crime Mapping
Uses information to do with the location of linked crime scenes to make inferences about the likely home or operational base of an offender
Can be used in conjunction with psychological theory to create hypotheses about how the offender is thinking as well as their modus operandi
Geographical profiling
The assumption is that the serial offender will restrict their ‘work’ to geographical areas they are familiar with, and so understanding the spatial pattern of their behaviour provides investigators with a ’centre of gravity’ which is likely to include offenders base
It may also help investigators make educated guesses about where the offender is likely to strike near - Jeopardy Surface
Circle theory (Canter and Larkin1993)
Proposed two models of offender behaviour:
The Marauder
The Commuter
The pattern of offending is likely to form a circle around their usual residence, and this becomes more apparent the more offences there are
Spatial decision making can offer the investigative team important insight to the nature of the offence (eg planned or opportunistic), as well as real revealing other important factors about the offender, such as their mental maps, mode of transport,employment status, approximate age, etc
The Marauder
Operates in close proximity to their home base
The Commuter
Likely to have travelled a distance away from their usual residence
Strength - Good application to a range of crimes
Can be applied to a wide range of offences
Techniques such as smallest space analysis and the principle of spatial consistency can be used in the investigation of crimes such as burglary and theft, as well as more serious offences like murder and rape
Strength - Evidence
Canter assisted police in tracking down the Railway Rapist (John Duffy) - he analysed geographical information from the crime scenes and combined this with details of similar attacks in the past
Carter drew up a profile of Duffy which was surprisingly accurate and led to his arrest and conviction
EG, profiled him to live in Kilburn, do martial arts, have marriage problems, fantasies or rape and bondage, etc
Weakness - Evidence
Rachel Nickell was murdered in front of her child in 1992
A profile of offender was developed by Paul Britton
Police received tip offs that Colin Stagg was the murderer
Undercover police officer befriended Stagg to get him to confess
Stagg didnt confess but was still arrested
Judges threw out the case as there was no evidence of Stagg‘s involvement
Over 15 years later, Robert Napier, who was initially too tall to be the suspect admitted to the crime
Strength - Scientific / objective
Grounded in evidence and psychological theory, and less driven by speculation and hunches - therefore more scientific than top down approach
With the aid of advanced AI, investigators are able to manipulate geographical,biological and psychological data quickly to produce insights and results that assist in investigation