AO3: Parasocial

Cards (4)

  • Strength: Research support for parasocial levels
    What? Predictions supported by research
    Who? McCutcheon - celebrity attitude scale; those scored borderline-pathological/intense-personal experience high level of anxiety
    Why? Predictive validity
  • Strength: Support for absorption addiction model
    What? Research shows link between celebrity worship and body image
    Who? Maltby - assessed boys and girls (14-16); girls with intense-personal had poor body image - develops eating disorder
    Why? Supports association between psychological functioning and level of parasocial relationship
  • Strength: Universal tendency
    What? Attachment theory explains people all over the world
    Who? Dinkha - collectivist (Kuwait) VS individualist (US); insecure attachment most likely to form intense parasocial relationships in both cultures
    Why? Supports attachment as universal explanation
  • Counterpoint: Universal tendency
    What? Contrasting evidence
    Who? McCutcheon - 299 Americans; insecure attachments no more likely than secure attachments
    Why? Parasocial relationships not necessarily compensation for attachment issues