Lombroso suggested that criminals were genetic throwbacks, who were biologically different to non criminals
Atavism - an evolutionary throwback, such as traits reappearing which had disappeared generations before
Lombroso investigated the facial and cranial features of Italian convicts both living and dead. After examining the skulls of 3839 living criminals and 383 dead criminals, it was found that 40 % of the criminals had atavistic characteristics
Lombroso believed offenders were lacking in evolutionary development, their savage and untamed nature meant they could not adjust to the demands of civilised society, inevitably turning to crime
Lombroso believed criminals had:
Strong, protruding jaws
High cheek bones
Large slopingforeheads
Dark skin
Extra toesnipples or fingers
Lombroso believed murderers had:
blood shot eyes
curly hair
long ears
Lombroso identified three types of criminals:
Born criminals
Insane criminals
LombrosoBorn criminals - atavistic type, throwbacks identifiable from their physical characteristics
LombrosoInsane criminals - suffering from mental illness
Criminaloids - a large general class of offenders whose mental characteristics predisposed them to criminal behaviour under the right circumstances