Explanations of Forgetting

Cards (13)

  • What are the 2 main explanations of forgetting?
    1. Interference Theory (Retroactive and Proactive)
    2. Retrieval failure due to absence of cues
  • What is Proactive?

    When previous memories interfere with recent similar memories. What you know already interferes with new material we are currently learning which leads to greater forgetting.
  • What is Retroactive?

    When recent memories interfere with previous similar memories. New current learning interferes with existing / old knowledge which leads to greater forgetting.
  • What is Retrieval Failure Due to Absence of Cues?
    Theory states that forgetting arises as the cues are not available for recall that were present during encoding. Hence, forgetting is an accessibility issue.
  • What are the main assumptions of RFDTAOC?
    • A memory trace is laid down and retained in a memory store as a result of the original perception of an event complete with its surroundings that act as....
    • A retrieval cue - a piece of info in he individuals cognitive environment at the time of encoding that matches the time of recall.
  • 3 examples of CONTEXT cues:
    1. Absence of context cues (external cues)
    2. Absence of state cues (internal cues)
    3. Absence of organisational cues (special type of external cue)
  • What is absence of context cues?
    Cues from the environment that are hovered to the memory trace.
  • What are absence of state cues?
    They are cues from within us that are 'hoovered in' to the memory trace.
  • What are absence of organisational cues?
    Special type of context cues that help us arrange and structure knowledge. You cant be asked it in an exam.
  • Context cues - dependent forgetting:
    Occurs when the external environment (or CONTEXT) is different at RECALL to how it was during CODING.
  • What is an example of context cues dependent forgetting?
    If you revise for your exams in the garden, you may find it difficult to recall the information when you are sat in the exam hall as the contextual cues are not present.
  • State cues - dependent forgetting:
    Occurs when the internal environment (or STATE) is different at RECALL to how it was during CODING.
  • What is an example of state cues dependent forgetting?
    If you eat 10 bags of Haribo whilst revising and are slightly wired from a sugar rush, you may find it difficult to recall the information when you are sat in the exam having had a nourishing bowl of porridge for breakfast.