Lombroso argued criminals could be identified by their 'psychological markers' that were linked to particular crimes. these are biologically determined and mainly features of the face and head.
Lombroso's categorised features
murderers = having bloodshot eyes, curly hair and long ears
sexual offenders = big lips, projecting ears and glinting eyes
Lombroso also suggested features such as use of criminal slang, tattoos and unemployment
Lombroso's research
he examined facial features of hundreds of Italian convicts and proposed that the atavistic form was associated with a number of physical features which were key to criminality. he examined skulls of 383 dead criminals and 3839 living ones and concluded that 40% of criminal acts are committed by people with atavistic characteristics
A03 - contribution to criminology
Lombroso known as father of criminology, trying to describe how particular types of people commit specific crime
his theory began criminal profiling
A03 - scientific racism
critics have drawn attention to racism within Lombroso's work
many of the features he identified as a criminal are most likely to be found amongst people of African descent
whether this was intended to be the case or not it is a matter of debate
A03 - contradictory evidence
Charles Goring set out to establish whether there were any physical or mental abnormalities among the criminal classes
after conducting a comparison between 3000 criminals and 3000 non-criminals he concluded that there was no that the offenders are a distinct group with unusual facial characteristics
although he found that they often have low intelligence which is the only piece of evidence that supports Lombroso